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Monday-Friday: 8:30 am

Saturday: 5:00 am

Sunday: 8:00 am


I invite you to think about how you can become involved and help to build up our parish.

Please do your best to be an active member of our community of faith, reaching out in a true effort of fellowship. Being an active member of a family, a school, a business or a parish means that you are involved. I challenge each of us, young or old, male or female to not just take up space in a pew on Sundays, but to be involved in your parish, and be active in ministries: extraordinary ministers, lectors, choir, bell choir, ushers, servers, PCCW and women groups, bingo volunteer, St. Vincent De Paul, and St. Agnes Knights of Columbus.

Yours in Christ, Fr. Lewis Hejna

If you are a Catholic who has been away from the Church, know we are thinking about you. We are glad you are here and invite you to be an active part of us again. If you would like more information on our parish programs and ways you can get involved, please contact Rev. Lewis Hejna or call the parish office.

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Mass Intentions

SAT Jan 25        5:00 pm   Monica Schmidt+

SUN Jan 26       8:00 am  Bailey Altis+

                      11:30 am   Donald Frohner+

                       5:00 pm  Parish

                       5:00 pm Vietnamese Community - GYM

MON  Jan 27   8:30 am  Congregation of Mary Queen

                        5:30 pm   Jim Spicher+

TUES Jan 28  8:30 pm  For Forgotten Souls+

                 5:30 pm M/M Country, Gina & Family (sp int)

WED Jan 29 8:30 am  Rev Bartholome Van+

                5:30 pm  Ellie and Shelly Pichler Family (sp int)

THURS Jan 30  8:30 am  Special Intention

                    5:30 pm  Austin and All Souls+

FRI Jan 31 8:30 pm  Francis Xavier Doan+

             5:30 pm  M/M Byron & Tiffany & Family (sp int)

                        SUNDAY LITURGIES

SAT Feb 1  5:00 pm Harlan Stark+

SUN Feb 2    8:00 am  Parish

                     9:45 am Vietnamese Community

                    11:30 am  John Hughes+

                     5:00 pm  Van Troung+





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