Confirmation 2023
Based upon diocesan guidelines, the process to receive the sacrament of Confirmation is a two year process. Normally, Confirmation will take place for young people in grade 8 or above.
The first year of the process is simply that the young person is enrolled in the Parish School of Religion or to be enrolled in our Catholic School system. The second year of the program requires that the young person attend Confirmation sessions. The curriculum for this program is diocesan approved and emphasizes the importance of this sacrament in the faith development of the candidate. The young person will also be involved in service, attend a retreat and choose a sponsor.
St. Agnes Cathedral also offers a Confirmation process for any young person who might have special needs using a curriculum adapted specifically for special needs. Normally, the sacrament of Confirmation will take place in the month of Feb or March. If you have questions about the process, please contact Iris at the parish office: 831-3565 ext 107 or at
If you are an adult, have not been confirmed and wish to begin the process, please contact Father Lewis at 831-3565 or email
The informational session for youth and parents will be held on Sunday, September 10th at 10:00 AM in the St. Agnes Cathedral school library. A copy of the schedule and the application form is attached.