From The Pastor’s Desk

This weekend we celebrate the feast of the Baptism of the Lord and conclude the Christmas Season. We
continue to dwell upon the great mystery of a God who is made visible through human flesh and who promises to return.
As Christ celebrates His baptism by going into the desert to prepare for His ministry, each of us need to take a good look at our own vocation. “What has God asked me to do, and am I living what He has asked of me?”
The Baptism of Jesus is a ritual enactment of His passion, death, and resurrection. The Church sees Baptism as dying to the evil of sin, and rising with Jesus and being anointed with His Spirit. St. Paul (Romans 6:3) summarizes the experience of Baptism “Are you…new life.”
1. Baptism is a change of allegiance. We are no longer slaves to sin, but children of a loving God.
2. Baptism is a putting off of the old and putting on the new. (baptismal garments)
3. Baptism is a new birth. (baptismal fonts)
4. Baptism enlightens. (the candle lit from the Easter Candle and given to the person)
5. Baptism makes a person a share in Christ; therefore, like Christ, we are anointed priest, prophet, and king. (the anointing following the water rite at baptism)
As the new year 2020 begins we have a breathing space until the season of Lent begins. Ordinary Time this year gives us time to walk with Christ in His ministry before we prepare for His Passion, Death and Resurrection.
Next weekend will be the Second Sunday of Ordinary Time the gospel continues to center on the manifestation of the Lord, which Epiphany celebrates through the traditional passage about the wedding feast at Cana and two other
passages from John.
Beginning with the Third Sunday, our Gospel readings come from the Synoptic Gospels. These readings are
arranged in such a way that as the Lord’s life and preaching unfold the teaching proper to each of these Gospels is presented.
Have a Blessed New Year, 2020.




Knights of Columbus