In the past month, through the St Vincent de Paul organization and our parish, at least $1800 has been spent to help 10 households with utility payments. Generally each household is helped no more often than once every 6 months. 17 gas vouchers were given out, 120 bus passes were given to the Well of Life for people to use if they have a doctor or work related appt. One person was helped with lodging. This is in addition to at least $500 a month that is given both to Well of Life and Crosslines for food purchases. Having these two organizations help the poor in this way, takes the burden off our church; we wouldn’t have room for an inventory of food anyway. Also our parish provides funds for 40 laundry vouchers for the poor each month and another $200 to help with the Breaking Bread Project at Grace United Methodist Church where two evening meals a week are provided. I have been taking used winter clothes over there as they come in, and will be taking some stocking caps, gloves and socks to Connecting Grounds this week.
You will be seeing my usual requests for the poor during Advent. Please help if you are able. Thank you for your generosity.