From the Pastor’s Desk:

As school begins in our Catholic Schools this week and the following week across the city of Springfield there are several issues I would like to address. First and foremost is the safety of our young people, whether it’s during carline or with people coming into the school. The administration of the school, as well as the parish, is always concerned with the safety of our students. This semester is going to be different in many ways and I assume so will the second semester. We talk about the new normal and whether you believe that the virus is real or not. We are working to keep everyone safe. The guidelines that have been put into place are for the good of all and I ask that everyone follow them. Many of the guidelines only pertain to inside the school itself, so they will not affect people coming to daily or weekend masses. Our meetings will take on safety measures and perhaps will not be inside the school. Face masks are required everywhere. When I had surgery I wanted my surgeon to wear one during surgery. When I have my teeth cleaned, I want the person doing so to wear a mask. Face masks make a difference in keeping the others around you healthy. While summer is meant to be carefree and fun, our nation has been rocked by Covid 19. I have listened to the evening news stating 165,000 deaths with about 1,000 Americans dying per day. Then to hear a lawyer on the evening news say that not enough people have died in Springfield to warrant face masks, and another person ask why he should have to wear a mask to keep other people safe. Has human life become so cheap, or has the “Me, Myself and I” become so dominant that we no longer care for our community and the good of others? I believe that St. Mother Teresa gave us the answer years ago when she said in one of her speeches, “The greatest destroyer of peace is abortion, because if a mother can kill her own child, what is left but for me to kill you and you to kill me? There is nothing between.” I hope this is not too much of a downer, but I bring this before you because a lot of people are struggling with the issues. Some are just scared, others are angry and others simply do not care. It is true that we are living through many things right now: yes, we are in the middle of a pandemic; yes, unemployment is at 10%; yes, there have been strange storms on the east coast, but all you have to do is read history and these things are also a part of the past history of the United States. It is up to us to be Christ to our neighbors, to help each other. That is what Christ asks of us, to make a difference in our world, by following His examples: feed the hungry, clothe the naked, give shelter to the homeless. This is what Christ asks of each of us, “Love one another as I have loved you.” People need to think about the good of others instead of their own wants and desires. I want to thank Joseph Nguyen and Ethan Barber for helping move the landscaping rock outside the Parish Office and side walk.


