PSR Registration will take place Sunday, Aug 23rd from 10;00-11:00 AM outside the school entrance or by the outdoor picnic tables. We will discuss options for curriculum, calendar and the safety precautions we will be enacting due to COVID 19. Teachers will be available to parents and students to meet. Classes are available for students K-8. We also have a special needs class taught by a certified special needs instructor. We will also work with special needs students if they need to prepare for the sacraments of Reconciliation, Eucharist or Confirmation. Our PSR classes are open to all students whether they attend public, Catholic or are home schooled. We will also work with families who may have a student who may be behind in the reception of the sacraments. Confirmation sessions for students in grades 8 and above will begin on Sunday mornings at 10:00 AM in the grade school. The first session will be one for candidates and a parent and will be held on Sunday, Sept 13th in the school library. Parents will need to complete paperwork and bring a copy of the students' Baptismal certificate if they were baptized in a church other than St. Agnes Cathedral. Our parent meeting for students who plan to receive Reconciliation and Eucharist in the coming year will be held Tues, Sept, 15th at 7:00 PM in the school cafeteria. Children should either be enrolled in our parish PSR program or in the Catholic School. Parents who may be home-schooling or an online program will also need to attend this meeting. If a child was not baptized at St. Agnes Cathedral, please bring a copy of their baptismal certificate.


Second Collection Aug. 29-20
