Youth Activities

Advent Fair Update:

St. Agnes Faith Formation program and St. Anne's Group invite you to our Advent Fair to be held Sunday, Nov. 21st from 9:30 AM until 11:00 AM in the St. Agnes Gym. The Advent Fair will have something for all ages from 3-93. Families can make an Advent wreath to use during the season. You will be able to pick up seasonal devotions from children's Advent calendars to daily reflections to help you to prepare for the birth of Jesus. There will be games such as Advent Bingo to a Jesse Tree Scavenger Hunt. Come to understand how other countries around the world celebrate and prepare for Christmas. You will also be able to come and pick up items if you cannot stay for the event. If you plan to make an Advent wreath, we do ask that you call the parish office to let us know so that we have enough supplies for the Advent wreaths. The Knights of Columbus will be sponsoring a breakfast that day so eat breakfast with the Knights and then come join us for the Advent Fair in the gym. Please call the parish office if you cannot come & want to pick up an Advent Wreath Kit at the parish office. There is no charge.


[reclaim!] Virtual Watch Party


From the Pastor’s Desk::