Once again this year you will see Advent symbols in baskets near the door of church. On the back of each symbol is a suggested item that you can purchase. These UNWRAPPED items are given to the homeless men and women or poor and/or foster children through Sammy”s Window, and Grace United Methodist church. If you go shopping before Advent or just plain forget to pick up a symbol, just purchase any of the following and bring it to the parish office between 9a.m. and 4p.m.for me to distribute: books and toys/stuffed animals for children, or clothes of any size for children or adults including: stocking caps, gloves, scarves, flannel shirts, underwear and socks of ANY SIZE, hoodies, etc. . St Agnes has always been able to help a lot of people this way, even if we aren’t giving a needed gift to people whose names we know. Thank you for your generosity in the past. Sr. Elizabeth Ann