From the Pastor’s Desk:

It matters not where you look today in the world: politics and government, our country or foreign countries, the Roman Catholic Church, or other Christian Churches, Muslim peoples or Israeli people.  There is anger and the desire to want only what they want without any compromise.  We read about it in the newspaper, hear about it on the news, and see the problems first hand on the internet.


The art of compromise has been lost.  Many of those in seats of power have forgotten the Christian values if they ever held them.  The Russians have destroyed cities, villages, killed tens of thousands to occupy a country that has been free from Russian dominance for 30 years.  The whole problem in the Holy Land is due to conservatives and radicals who only want what they want and are unwilling to accept and work with others.  Within our own government, Republicans cannot work together, nor can the two political parties.  Congress is at a standstill and the whole country, the whole world is paying the price.  In the Roman Catholic Church there are those who want the clerical Church of the past back, not the Church of the Second Vatican Council, a Church without lay leadership.


Where do we go with all of this, except to the Lord Jesus.  Prayer is where we strengthen our relationship with God, prayer at the Eucharist, prayer on our way to work, prayer devotions, prayer before the Blessed Sacrament.  Each time the Blessed Virgin Mary has appeared it was to ask the people to pray, because of the terrible problems that were coming.  Have we forgot to pray and put our trust in God?


Conservativism and radicalism are tearing our world apart, because people are refusing to work together for the good of everyone.  Jesus was born a Jew, lived as a Jewish male, died a Jew, but forgave the pagan, Roman soldiers who nailed Him to the cross.  That is the example He set for us to follow.


Our third Eucharistic Session will be held on Monday October 23rd at 1pm, or Tuesday October 24th at 6:30pm in the Cafeteria: Salvation is a gift from God through Jesus Christ that requires our “yes”.


Travel in the Footsteps of St. Paul with Fr. Lewis Hejna, beginning May 25-June 4, 2024.  The cost of the trip, including roundtrip airfare from Springfield is $4,999.00.  Contact Fr. Lewis at St. Agnes (417-831-3565)  for information or a trip itinerary.  You may also go on line at Please refer to trip #1054 when registering And look for trip with Fr. Lewis Hejna.



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