As I visit with people after weekend liturgies, many of our visitors have very positive comments to say concerning choirs, music, response of the people, the celebration of the Mass in general.  Several weekend past we had a family pasting through our area as they were returning home. They were very pleased with our 5:00 pm Saturday evening mass.  They took the time to e mail the parish and described what impressed them the most. I believe that we celebrate our Sunday Liturgies very prayerfully and also according to the norms of the Catholic Liturgical Commission.  This week I want to spend some time looking at the celebration of the Mass and how the different parts of the liturgy are to be celebrated.


Welcoming is an important aspect of a parish, whether to visitors or parishioners.  Many people have commented on our new space created out in the front of the Cathedral, that it is a gathering space after mass where people can talk.  The Church space is for an instrumental prelude on organ, flute, piano, guitar, quiet prayer for people, which is to create a contemplative atmosphere for worship.


In the Entrance Rite a procession includes Cross bearer, candle bearers, incense bearer, master of ceremonies lector or deacon with the Book of Gospels, the presider.  If there is a special celebration such as wedding anniversary, or a baptismal party those are in the procession as well.  The pace of the procession is to be dignified, not a race up the aisle, not to be all bunched up.  In some parishes extraordinary ministers of the Eucharist are found in the procession, but that is not liturgically correct.


             The Book of Gospels is to be placed immediately and directly on the altar to visually signify the unity between the Liturgy of the Word and the Liturgy of the Eucharist.  The Book is to be stood so it can be seen by the congregation.  The greeting, the Penitential Rite, the Gloria and opening prayer all follow from the Roman Missal. The first and second readings are proclaimed with the responsorial psalm being sung/chanted between the people and cantor.


              The sung Alleluia and the Gospel verse is to take place during a procession from the altar to the ambo.  The Book should be held for all to see until the Alleluia is finished.  The Alleluia is meant to be sung, not spoken, it is a praise before the life and teachings of Christ.  The Profession of Faith/Creed is a formal statement of our Catholic Faith.  The general intercessions following the Creed need to short so people can understand them.  The list of sick does not need to sound like a litany.  The response of the people needs to vary according to the liturgical season.  The intercessions and response may be sung on solemn occasions.  Included in the intercessions should be found significant international, national, local events such as disasters, elections, or tragedies. 



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