Struggling with Life since being Widowed, Divorced or Separated?

Struggling with Life since being Widowed, Divorced or Separated?        

Beginning Experience of Springfield is offering an eight-week support program, Coping With Life Alone, designed to help individuals work through the trauma of losing a spouse through death or divorce.  The program will begin Thursday September 14, 2023, at 6:30pm at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Church, 2200 W. Republic Rd., Springfield, MO.  Beginning Experience programs, offer strength and growth through a community of friendship, support and prayer.  The program’s trained facilitators have themselves experienced divorce or the death of a spouse.


The cost of the program is $30, but financial assistance is available for those in need. 


To pre-register, call Diane at (417) 859-0175 or cell (870) 688-8829 , Barb at (417) 827-3641, or Donna at 417-529-1085



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