From the Pastor’s Desk

This weekend we celebrate Epiphany, it comes from a Greek word meaning “Manifestation”, “striking appearance” or “Vision of God”.  Within the Roman Catholic Church we celebrate it as the revelation of the Son of God as human in Jesus Christ.  The normal, traditional date for the feast is January 6th, however it is moved this year to the Sunday January the 5th.  The date is not as important as it is celebrated the 2nd Sunday after Christmas.


 The Feast of the Epiphany is celebrated by both the Eastern and Western Catholic Churches.  Within the Roman Catholic Church the feast mostly celebrates the coming of the Magi with only a minor reference to the Baptism of Jesus and the miracle at the Wedding at Cana.  The Eastern Church celebrates the Baptism of Christ in the Jordan.  Regardless both traditions are celebrating within the feast, the manifestation of Christ to the nations.


Again depending on what day of the week that Christmas falls, depends when the Christmas Season within the Roman Catholic Church ends.  This year due to Christmas being celebrated on Wednesday, means that the Baptism of the Lord is celebrated immediately after Epiphany on Sunday January the 12th and Ordinary Time begins the following day January 13.  As I wrote at the beginning of Advent, it would be a short Advent Season and a short Christmas Season.


On January 13th we begin the first week of Ordinary Time and continue for seven weeks until March 5th when Lent begins with Ash Wednesday.  For those who follow the weekly scripture readings, we began at the first of Advent Sunday Readings in Year C, the weekday readings are from Cycle 1.  There are for Sundays a three year cycle; A, B and C.  The weekday are only a 2 year cycle, but during the three years the Roman Catholic Church reads a great amount of the Bible.


Hopefully this helps to explain some of how the Church liturgy is celebrated.  Again I want to thank everyone who had helped in the decorating the church and in all the ministries during the Advent and Christmas Seasons.  Our Christmas was truly spiritual liturgies.


