From the Pastor’s Desk:
This weekend we are celebrating Trinity Sunday. The origins of the celebration of Trinity Sunday go all the way back to the fourth century. Arius, a Catholic priest, believed that Jesus Christ was a created being rather than God, resulting in one of the first heresies of the early church, Arianism.
In denying the divinity of Christ, Arius denied that there are three Persons in God. Athanasius one of early church theologians was Arius' chief opponent. He upheld the orthodox doctrine that there are three Persons in one God, and the orthodox view prevailed at the Council of Nicaea. Every Sunday we pray the Nicene Creed which contains our belief in the Holy Trinity.
Also to stress the doctrine of the Trinity, other Fathers of the Church, such as St. Ephrem composed prayers and hymns that were recited in the Church's liturgies and on Sundays as part of the Divine Office, the official prayer of the Church. Eventually, a special version of this office began to be celebrated on the Sunday after Pentecost, and the Church in England, at the request of St. Thomas à Becket in 1160s, was granted permission to celebrate Trinity Sunday. The celebration of Trinity Sunday was extended to the entire Church during the pontificate of Pope John XXII 1316-34.
The mystery of the Most Holy Trinity is the central mystery of Christian faith and life. The whole history of salvation is identical with the history of the way and the means by which the one true God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit reveals himself to the human race.
June will become a stressful time for many of the parishes and priests of the diocese as they prepare for priest transfers. People many times have asked me, “Why does the bishop move priests around?” There are a variety of reasons. Our newly ordained priests need at least two assignments working with two different pastors as they prepare to become pastors on their own. Also it is healthy for both pastors and parishes, because priests do not meet the needs of everyone in the parish. This year is also difficult in our Diocese due to the Claretians Fathers are leaving the Diocese, along with several of the priests from India and those parishes need to be staffed with priests. These are some of the reasons St. Agnes Cathedral will not have an Associate Pastor in the near future. Please keep all those priests and parishes who are being affected by the changes in your/our prayers.
The Parish picnic will be Sunday June 23rd after the 5 pm Mass, join us for food, games and plenty of fun.
Women of Faith group is inviting all ladies of the parish to a brunch at Bev Steelman’s home (625 S. Avenue) on Wednesday, June 19, at 9:15am. Join us for Mass first if you are able. Brunch will follow immediately after. FYI: Bev lives within walking distance of church although you may drive if you choose. Hope to see many of you there. It’s a great way to meet new people!
If you plan to attend please call the office (417-831-3565) so we know how much food to prepare.
PCCW is inviting all women of the parish to a dinner in honor of Sr. Elizabeth Ann Weiler. She has served our parish for 13 years and is going on now to another adventure in her life story. We want to celebrate and thank her for all she has done for the parish. Join us in the school cafeteria on June 13 at 6:30 (if you can make it to Mass prior to dinner that would be great). Please call the office (417-831-3565) to let us know if you are attending so that we have enough food. Although, if it is a last minute decision, come anyway. It’s going to be a very nice evening.
We will begin pricing, organizing, and sorting for the garage sale. We begin on Tues, May 28th- Wed, June 5th. We will offer two shifts 8:00 AM-10:00 AM and 6:00 PM-8:00 PM in the evening. We will not work on Sundays. We appreciate any amount of time that you can donate at the sale. For high school youth, this is a great opportunity to earn service hours for the upcoming school year. If you have questions or would like to sign up, please call the parish office at 417-831-3565 You can also email Iris at to sign up or gain additional information.
Drop off dates will begin after the 5:00 PM on Sat, May 25th, after the 8:00 AM & 11:30 AM Masses on Sun, May 26th. Please bring your items to the St. Agnes gym. We will also have drop offs after the Masses on Sat, June 1st and Sunday June 2nd. We appreciate all of the items, but we do ask that you do not donate old tires, tv's, computers, clothing and non working appliances. We will accept purses and shoes. We also request that you double check items so that they are clean. We thank you for your generosity of donations and of your time. Proceeds from this event will go to the building of our parish center. Please check our Facebook page and the bulletin for additional information. You can also email Iris at to sign up or gain additional information.
Plans are being made for the annual parish garage sale! The dates are set for June 6th, 7th and 8th and it will be held in the St. Agnes gym. The garage sale could not happen without the cooperation of so many in our parish. Volunteers are needed at all stages of the event, set up, marking and organization of the donated items. If you feel that you can help, please call the parish office to sign up. Whether you donate 2 hours of your time or more, you are appreciated. Please leave your phone number or email address when you call.
Drop off dates will begin after the 5:00 PM on Sat, May 25th, after the 8:00 AM & 11:30 AM Masses on Sun, May 26th. Please bring your items to the St. Agnes gym. We will also have drop offs after the Masses on Sat, June 1st and Sunday June 2nd. We appreciate all of the items, but we do ask that you do not donate old tires, tv's, computers, clothing and non working appliances. We will accept purses and shoes. We also request that you double check items so that they are clean. We thank you for your generosity of donations and of your time. Proceeds from this event will go to the building of our parish center. Please check our Facebook page and the bulletin for additional information. You can also email Iris at to sign up or gain additional information.
From the Pastor’s Desk
The month of May is traditionally dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary. May from the earliest days of the Church has held Mary with a special devotion. Beginning at the end of the 13th century the Catholic Church has emphasized the month of May as a time of honor and devotion. The month of May is part of the Easter Season, between Easter and Pentecost. In 1945, Pope Pius XII established the feast of the Queenship of Mary on May 31, solidifying May as a Marian month.
Our Vietnamese Community here at St. Agnes holds Mary in the highest regard due to her protection through her son, Jesus Christ during the persecution in Vietnam in 1798 in which over 100,000 was killed.
The association of Mary with flowers has been a part of the liturgy for many centuries. Mary is often shown with flower imagery which comes from books of the Bible, in the form of Canticles found in Wisdom, Proverbs and Sirach. This symbolism emphasizes her purity, beauty and spiritual blossoming. Hopefully this will help us to understand our Vietnamese Community use of flowers during the Month of May in honoring Mary.
This weekend as we remember our mothers, whether living or deceased, remember them in prayer. The flowers are nice, taking them out to lunch or dinner is great, but remember them in prayer. Our mothers spent countless hours in prayer for each of us. The nights they stayed awake until we walked in the back door. All the chauffeuring to music events, sporting events, to the pool, to the movies, you name it, our mothers did it out of love. So spend some time in prayer for them, because God knows how much prayer our mothers have sent heavenward for us, their sons and daughters.
This coming Tuesday evening we will celebrate the 2024 Graduation Mass for St. Agnes Cathedral Grade School. My prayers are with each of the graduates as they end one part of their lives to begin another. I thank their parents who entrusted their children for us to teach, coach, but especially to help guide them in their spiritual growth
I have decided to complete my ministry here at St Agnes Cathedral at the end of June so that I can move back to IL where most of the Sisters of my community live. Though in my 64 years as a vowed Adorer of the Blood of Christ, I have worked at 8 schools, 4 hospitals, a hospice, a home for mentally challenged men and 3 parishes this will be the most difficult change of my life for several reasons. I am grateful for the opportunity that I have had to get to know many of you and hope to keep in touch. Thank you for your goodness to me. Pray for me as I will for you. Sister Elizabeth Ann Weiler, ASC
Plans are being made for the annual parish garage sale! The dates are set for June 6th, 7th and 8th and it will be held in the St. Agnes gym. The garage sale could not happen without the cooperation of so many in our parish. Volunteers are needed at all stages of the event, set up, marking and organization of the donated items. If you feel that you can help, please call the parish office to sign up. Whether you donate 2 hours of your time or more, you are appreciated. Please leave your phone number or email address when you call.
Drop off dates will begin after the 5:00 PM on Sat, May 25th, after the 8:00 AM & 11:30 AM Masses on Sun, May 26th. Please bring your items to the St. Agnes gym. We will also have drop offs after the Masses on Sat, June 1st and Sunday June 2nd. We appreciate all of the items, but we do ask that you do not donate old tires, tv's, computers, clothing and non working appliances. We will accept purses and shoes. We also request that you double check items so that they are clean.We thank you for your generosity of donations and of your time. Proceeds from this event will go to the building of our parish center. Please check our Facebook page and the bulletin for additional information. You can also email Iris at to sign up or gain additional information.
to our 19 young people who received their First Eucharist on Sunday, May 5th during a special Liturgy held at 2:30. A special thank you to our families who supported their children in preparing for the sacrament. We also thank Father Lewis and the teachers who shared their faith with these children. A special thank you to those who helped to make the Mass a special occasion. Thank you to our musicians, servers and the office staff who prepared the program and certificates. We also thank our wonderful volunteers who helped with set up, serving and cleanup for the reception. As a parish, keep these young people in your prayers so they will continue to grow in the love of the Eucharist. Congratulations to Emilie Bosserman, Kyle Haring, Aubrey Harris, Ella Marie Herman, Ava Hicks, Gwenyth Johnson, Millie McBride, Ethan McGeeney, Thomas Graham Morris, Henry "Hank" Mount, Avery Parnell, Carver Parnell, Autumn Saylor, Rhyker Schmidt, Reese Smithson, Elinora Thomas, Alison Wand, Rowen Wilke & Anna Wright.
From the Pastor’s Desk:
Yes it is spring time and with the month of May we celebrate graduations both in the high schools as well as grade schools. We celebrate Mother’s Day, First Holy Communion and in some parishes Confirmation. Throughout the Diocese it is the month each year that our Bishop comes to us in our Diocesan Development Appeal, commonly known as DDF. Each parish and each mission is a part of the larger church, or Diocese of Springfield Cape Girardeau.
The funds which are collected enables our Diocese to offer our parishes and parishioners many different areas of ministry that parishes would not be able to provide on their own.
The DDF provides for: 1) Family Life Ministries, helping those preparing for marriage, 2) Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults, those coming into the Church, 3) Social Ministry, all different aspects of reaching out to those who have no voice, or need a stronger voice in our society, 4) Campus Ministry, helping to staff priests on 2 of our public college campuses 5) Tribunal, those who are seeking annulments for their broken marriages, 6) Vocations/Seminarians, continuing to reach out to young men and women searching a religious vocation, 7) Youth Ministry, which includes Camp Re-New-All, Catholic Scouting, College Campus Ministry, 8) Office Of Worship, providing for all the Diocesan Liturgies, 9) The Mirror, our Diocesan Newspaper keeping us informed with all that is happening in our Diocese, 10) Catholic Schools, guided by our superintendent, 11) Finance Office, overseeing the monies of the Diocese as well as guiding parishes.
I ask that everyone study the above paragraph to see how many different areas of ministry affect your life, or the life of your family. There are more areas, but for the most part these are the major areas of ministry that are supported by our gift to the Diocesan Development Fund. Please be as generous as you have in the past years, or make a first time gift this year if you have not given in previous years.
The 2024 Diocesan Development Fund appeal will be held the weekend of May 4-5, at all Masses. Please be generous. Our parish goal this year is $143,645. To date, we have had 37 people pledge $13,844.00 towards our goal. Remember to turn in your cards regardless of whether you can or cannot give this year and please pray for a successful campaign.
Plans are being made for our annual parish Garage Sale! The dates for the sale will be June 6th, 7th and 8th! This garage sale could not happen without the help of so many in our parish! Volunteers are needed to help sort, mark and organize all the goodies we receive for the sale. Drop off dates of goodies will be held beginning May 25th and May 26th. You can drop off items at the St. Agnes gym after the 5:00 PM Mass on the 25rh and after the 8:00 AM Mass and 11:30 AM Mass on the 26th. Start cleaning out those closets, cabinets, attics and basements! This year, we will not take clothing, computer monitors, tv's or tires. We will take purses and shoes! If you have specific questions or would like to volunteer, please call the parish office to sign up. We will be sharing more information about work hours for the sale in upcoming bulletins and announcements. All proceeds from the sale will benefit our building fund for our new parish center. You can also email Iris at with specific questions.
Ladies Appreciation Morning: Sunday, May 12th from 9:00 AM-11:00 AM in the St. Agnes Cafeteria!
Ladies of the parish, you are invited to join us in the cafeteria on Sunday! All are invited whether you are a Mom, a grandma, an aunt, a sister, or a friend, we want to celebrate your many contributions to our St. Agnes Parish. There will be coffee, juice, pastries, fruits and much more. Please join us! Stay and get to know others in our parish. We want to thank you for all that you do to help in our parish. Hope to see you there!
From the Pastor’s Desk:
The Second Vatican Council called the Eucharist, “the source and summit of the Christian life.” The Eucharist strengthens the Church to be Christ’s Body in the world. Eucharist means “thanksgiving.” As Jesus gave thanks at the Last Supper, we give thanks in the liturgy of the Eucharist, the central sacrament of the Catholic Church.
Jesus is present in the Mass in three ways: first, in the assembled “Body of Christ,” gathered to pray in his name; second, in the Word of Scripture; and third, in the bread and wine that, by the power of the Holy Spirit and the words of Christ, truly become His Body and Blood. According to the Catechism of the Catholic Church, the sacrament’s purpose is our “intimate union” with Christ. After receiving communion, we spend a few quiet moments giving thanks to Jesus for the gift of himself.
We give thanks for all creation, symbolized by the gifts of bread and wine. We give thanks for Jesus’ Paschal sacrifice which redeemed us. We give thanks for the continuing sanctification of the Church, nourished by the Body and Blood of Christ. Most of all, we give thanks for the REAL PRESENCE of Christ.
Next weekend here at St. Agnes Cathedral nineteen of our young people will receive Holy Communion for the first time. From this time until the Lord calls them home, the Eucharist will be available to them, as well as to all practicing Catholics. The Eucharist is that special gift from God in which He can come into each of us individually to give us the grace and the guidance we need; Christ coming into us in that most special and intimate way. We become one with Christ, as Christ becomes one with us. May the Lord bless our young people.
As I stressed to the parents in our parent meeting at the beginning of the First Communion preparation, it is so important that we, as adults, provide a living example of worship to our young people. It is not enough to simply explain it to them. It is not enough to just go through the actions. We need to live our faith. Living our faith means attending Sunday Mass and worshiping God on His day, the day of the Resurrection. Each Sunday is a miniature Easter. When we choose not to go to Sunday Mass, we are saying that the vacation time, or the floating on the river, or the ball game, is more important than our eternity with God. We are approaching summer, which means vacations and weekends at the lake–please take the time to go to church. Out of all the hours He has given you during the week, take the time to give back to the Lord this one hour.
The 2024 Diocesan Development Fund appeal will be held the weekend of May 4-5, at all Masses. Please be generous. Our parish goal this year is $143,645. To date, we have had 16 people pledge $7,595.00 towards our goal. Remember to turn in your cards regardless of whether you can or cannot give this year and please pray for a successful campaign.
Plans are being made for our annual parish Garage Sale! The dates for the sale will be June 6th, 7th and 8th! This garage sale could not happen without the help of so many in our parish! Volunteers are needed to help sort, mark and organize all the goodies we receive for the sale. Drop off dates of goodies will be held beginning May 25th and May 26th. You can drop off items at the St. Agnes gym after the 5:00 PM Mass on the 25rh and after the 8:00 AM Mass and 11:30 AM Mass on the 26th. Start cleaning out those closets, cabinets, attics and basements! This year, we will not take clothing, computer monitors, tv's or tires. We will take purses and shoes! If you have specific questions or would like to volunteer, please call the parish office to sign up. We will be sharing more information about work hours for the sale in upcoming bulletins and announcements. All proceeds from the sale will benefit our building fund for our new parish center. You can also email Iris at with specific questions.
Mark Your Calendars Vacation Bible School: June 18th-22nd
St. Agnes Parish will be combining with SEAS, IC & other Springfield parishes for "Diving into Friendship with God". Children who are entering Kindergarten through 6th grade are eligible to attend this fun, faith filled adventure filled with Bible Stories, saints, science adventures, outdoor fun and food. Registration forms are available in the parish office, St. Agnes School, or in the Cathedral. This is open to children who may not be Catholic too. You do not have to be members of the parish so invite neighbors, family members and friends. ALL ARE Welcome. Contact Iris at for more information. We also need adult and teen volunteers. "Come SCUBA with us!"
Play golf “fore” a good cause!
Catholic Charities of Southern Missouri is excited to partner with the Knights of Columbus for its Charity Golf Tournament. The proceeds of the tournament benefit LifeHouse Crisis Maternity Home in Springfield. Join us at Fremont Hills Country Club on Mon., June 24, for a fun day of golf and giving back! Time: Noon - shotgun start. Sponsorships are available now, and registration for teams and individuals is open. For more information, consult or Call Craig Henley, (573) 999-3939; Tom Samsel, (417) 861-4173; or Russ Pignon, (417) 848-1468.
From the Pastor’s Desk:
This weekend is celebrated as the World Day of Prayer for Vocations. In our prayers at Mass we pray especially for Vocations to the priesthood, religious life and for holy marriages.
We might expect that the concept of a religious vocation may be difficult for a young person to understand, however I am surprised how many adults many times misunderstand the concept of vocation, especially as it pertains to their lives. Do we have a vocation shortage today? The simple answer is “NO”, the larger answer is “YES”. We need to understand that all people have been called, through our baptism to live a life in Christ, filled with the Gospel values, to share with one another the Good News of Jesus in our daily lives. We might live this vocation as a religious, a priest or deacon. Perhaps we might live it as a mom or dad, a husband, or a wife. We might live this vocation as a single person. How we understand our call to live the Gospel values in our life is our discernment of our vocation. So we do not have a vocation shortage, we have a shortage of ordained ministers, consecrated Brothers and Sisters.
It takes prayer and careful discernment to know if you are being called to priesthood or religious life, and eventually you have to enter a seminary or convent to be sure. Formation takes years and you can leave the seminary or religious life at any time. One of the big questions that young people talk with me about who are looking at a religious vocation is that of celibacy. Contrary to what we see in the media, sex is not the key to happiness. Yes God made us with strong sexual desires, which find their proper expression in marriage, but not only is celibacy possible, it is a sign of the reality of heaven, since no one is married in heaven according to the scriptures. Both Jesus and St. Paul recommend celibacy for those who are called. (Matthew 19:10-12; I Cor. 7:34)
In looking back over my life as a priest, my vocation has led me to serve in places where people are hurting and where people are celebrating life. My vocation has been to young people as well as to our seniors. I have taught in our Catholic Schools, in parishes, in Camp Renewal, been spiritual directors of TEC, Cursillo’s, Happening’s, and serving on different Diocesan committees. I have tried to use the gifts and talents that God has given me to help lead others to a deeper relationship with God. Many different surveys show that one profession consistently ranks number one for personal happiness, Clergy, and religious sisters and brothers. They are some of the longest-living people in the world. This weekend please keep our seminarians in prayer, that they will answer God’s call in their lives, whatever that call be. Please pray for all young people who are considering a religious vocation.
Youth Activities
Congratulations! to Avery & Carver Parnell who were both Baptized on Sunday April 7th after the 11:30 AM Mass. Avery and Carver are the children of Todd & Ashley Parnell. Please pray for the children and parents as they continue to grow in the blessings of Christ's love.
Congratulations to Mila Grace Minter who was baptized on April 6th here at St. Agnes Cathedral. Mila is the daughter of Michael and Ashley Minter of our parish. Please pray for Mila as she continues to grow in the love of Christ.
Please pray for the 19 children of our parish who will receive their First Eucharist on Sunday, May 5th at a special liturgy at 2:30 PM in the Cathedral. Families and friends are invited to attend a reception to be held in the cafeteria after the Mass. We are looking for volunteers who may like to assist in the simple reception that will follow the Mass. If you can assist with the reception, please contact Iris Bounds at